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The Safety and Security team is a group of church members entrusted to look after the flock. They are a vital asset. These volunteers are members and regular attendees of Englewood Christian Church and are…

More info coming soon…..

The New Testament affirms Faith, repentance, and baptism as the ordinary saving responses to the gospel. When we survey all the biblical material, Faith, repentance, and baptism are presented as the normal way that Believers request the gift of God salvation.

Our cookie ministry is an extension of the hospitality ministry.  It is our goal to make sure you are loved and cared for outisde the four walls of the church just as much as you are inside.

God’s two greatest Commandments are to love God and to love others. To love everyone equally is a true sign of our love for God and our desire to live Christ-like. Hospitality is known as entertaining and welcoming  guest or visitors.

Every member here is blessed with a different set of skills and talents –  embracing all of them is essential to building a strong Community. While you may excel in teaching or shepherding, Others May find their strengths and Technology.

Media Ministry is one of the few Ministries that exists to serve others in Ministry. Our mission is to serve those serving in roles that need our help to reach as many people as possible using the skills and the updated technology God has equipped us with.

Worship is giving God the glory He alone deserves and recognizing His authority in all things. Here at Englewood Christian Church, we seek to worship God by exalting Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the scriptures.

The “Getting to Know ECC” class will give you a sneak peek into the basic beliefs and practices of Englewood Christian Church, equip you with the essentials of the Christian faith, and show you opportunities where you can get involved.

We want to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Every adult in every stage of life can be a part of what God is doing at Englewood Christian church.

Get in Touch
9600 Gulfstream Blvd
Englewood, FL 34224
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